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Product name: ethylene glycol tert-butyl ether
English name: Ethylene glycol tertiary butyl ether (ETB)
CAS No.: 7580-85-0

Molecular formula: C6H14O2

Molecular weight: 118.18

freezing point
Ignition point
Ignition temperature
surface tension
Solubility parameter
Product use
Ethylene glycol tert-butyl ether mainly replaces ethylene glycol butyl ether. Compared with it, it has extremely low odor, low toxicity and low photochemistry Reactivity, mild skin irritation, good water solubility, good dispersion stability of latex coating, and The resin and organic solvent are miscible, and have good hydrophilicity, which can be widely used in coatings, inks, cleaning agents, fiber wetting agents, Plasticizers, organic synthesis intermediates, paint removers and many other fields.

Packaging, storage and transportation
Store in a cool and ventilated warehouse. Keep away from kindling and heat sources. The package shall be sealed and shall not be in contact with air. answer It shall be stored separately from oxidants, acids and alkalis, and shall not be mixed. Explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities shall be adopted. Prohibit easy use Spark-producing mechanical equipment and tools. The storage area shall be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and appropriate storage materials. Iron ladle 180Kg/barrel.

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